I thought I'd stop by my own blog and give an update. I am finding it difficult to make a concerted effort to blog more. Could it be the enjoying of life away from the computer that keeps me from my goals? Could it be the lack of creativeness to think of a good topic? I'm not sure, but I am sure that I am here now, posting a post. Post.
I've been building, which is a great feeling. More time has been given to this area of my career. For this I am grateful. If I were to choose between building and repairing...building, every time.
I thank all of you for stopping by. Let me know what you think of the ukulele project so far by leaving me a comment. You can find a updated photo slideshow to the left. Thank you again. Happy summer! Oh, and here are some places to check out:
Ukulele Hunt, (I'll have more links in awhile, I want to watch a movie).
Labels: building, summer, ukulele
I like your project.